Onkozert —

OncoBox Compare – Cancer registries and centres wanted for participation

OncoBox Compare is a tool for the direct electronic comparison of data from the cancer registry and a centre based on the OncoBox “Prostate”. The aim of the comparison of the data is to determine the degree of conformity and the quality and, in the case of differences, to address the causes of the deficits if necessary.

The system was tested in a joint project of OnkoZert and the Cancer Registry  of Rhineland-Palatinate in cooperation with two Prostate Cancer Centres from Rhineland-Palatinate. One result of the project was that the conformity of the patient collectives and data fields could be significantly increased. The project was presented at the §65c platform meeting on 22.03.2023 as well as at the DVDM focus on 20.04.2023.


The project is now to be extended to further §65c cancer registries and to further Prostate Cancer Centres. So far, four more cancer registries have registered for the “OncoBox Compare”. On 04.10.2023 (3 p.m.), a web telco will take place in which the project will be presented once again in principle. Further expressions of interest will then be accepted until 31.10.2023.


To register for the web telco, please send an informal email to:


Philipp Kachel (CIO Cancer Registry RLP; kachel@krebsregister-rlp.de) or

Sebastian Dieng (OnkoZert / ClarData; s.dieng@onkozert.de